It was the following Sunday (4/11) and we were all our own working on our own projects around the house. I happened to be working in the garage on a scrappy project in front of the window listening to my Lynyrd Skynyrd pretty loud.
Some woman came and knocked on the window and scared the daylights out of me. She said that I had a goat in the pasture that was bleeding on her back leg. I ran out front but she had left already. So, out into the field I went. Initially everyone looked fine but I noticed that Trinket was missing. I finally found her at the bottom of the property and she had given birth to two little girls. Her leg was not bleeding and I can’t imagine how that woman missed the two babies on the ground…
The weather started to turn into a storm so we got her and the girls into a stall and all was good. We named them Crystal and Ruby. Ruby has little waddles like her mama and Crystal has really cool pattern on her head like a crystal in the light.

Ruby is in front here with the tipped up ears and Crystal is in the back.

Here is Hunter trying to balance these two girls who grew very rapidly.
This is Ruby – she is a real cutie and she has a lot of personality.
This is Crystal trying to be naughty and get into the barn.
And here is Trinket trying to eat while the brats are tromping around in her food. She is a really good mother but a little too protective at times. I was trying to get her baby out of a hole between the slats in the wall and she bite me on the back of the arm, not hard but I knew she meant business. Then, Warren was trying to board up the hole and she grabbed his ear!
She is a good mama and has no trouble at all giving birth. Thankfully she is not normally a biter when she doesn’t have babies to protect.