They turned out really good so give it a shot by clicking on this link.
This is about our farm "Broken Arrow E Ranch", my family and just life in general.
I always like playing around with fonts. This particular font is called “Snickles” and it was free. Of course I found it through Pinterest.This font is simply titled “Kool”. I really like this font and it is titled “5th Grade Cursive”.
I have always liked fonts as far back as I can remember and I wish I had this “Banff” font when I used to write term papers in college with the Word Perfect program.
“Bleeding Cowboys" is the name of this font and for some reason it always reminds me of Prineville.
This font is called “Biondi” and I also use this one often.
Then we have the “Segoe Print” and the “Segoe Script” which my long time friend Simone turned me onto. I love using both of these for personal emails. I plan on using this script in one of my sales flyers soon since I think it gives a friendly feel to the advertisement. Some fonts like “Ariel” just seem to be over used in print. Times New Roman” seems to be used for headlines in the newspaper and Franklin Gothic Demi gets used a lot too.
I am now using “Brady Hand ITC” but I aspire to make my own font out of my handwriting. There are several websites that you can print out a form and put your own handwritten letters into these little boxes and fax or scan it back. Once you send it in they produce your own font and send you the file to enter into your windows font file. No more settling for fonts like “Garamond” when you can have your very own handwriting. There is a caveat to this though (here comes that “hindsight” thing again)… I have completed this form and had my font file returned but I didn’t like it anymore that this “Verdana” font. It looked all funky like this “Bigtop” font. Instead of writing smoothly in one motion like creating items on a “to do” list it was cramped and the letters didn’t all line up on the bottom. It was kind of yucky like I think this “Freestyle” font is . You have to put each letter in an individual box and make sure that it all lines up perfectly. Of course I did not do this since my handwriting doesn’t look right when I have to force it. I like my handwriting whether it is cursive or print. It just kind of flows like this “College-Black” but it is not near as fancy.
Maybe I will just stick with downloading fonts that I find appealing like this “Book Antiqua” or the most recent find "Franchise”. FRANCHISE LOOKS GOOD IN ALL CAPS but I also like it with upper & lower case.
I guess “Snickles”wins out for today.+I must get going so I can get some actual work done. Just one last tip…if you are getting this in an email and you cannot see all of the font changes you may have to actually go to my blog. Sometimes the email is funny like that and I wouldn’t want anyone to miss out on this messy post .
Tat Tat until next time…
Almost every day I drive down Neff Road to take Hunter to school. On my way I always admire this one property on the north side. It has a pond and a beautiful selection of trees of in the distance. The real eye catcher is the red Adirondack chairs that they have sitting out by the pond; the backs face the road and I just love the setting.
Of course I had to stop and take a picture while everything was green. It is cold here now and all of the chairs are tipped forward. The leaves have fallen from the trees and the grass is brown. I keep waiting for the snow to fly so I can get a winter picture but no dice so far. Until then I will just keep thinking about what the people who sit in the three adult and two child size chairs are doing while it is so cold outside and their chairs are turned over…
We were on our way to a football game at Cascade Middle School a few months ago and I come through the traffic circle at Century Drive and Mt. Washington Drive and there it was. It (the tree)is just up off to the right as you squirt out onto Mt.Washington Drive. If you are turning left towards the middle school you may miss it.It is a curious thing since I have never seen a Ponderosa Pine with such straight branches. It is also TALL like a GIANT tree; especially when you compare it to the pine trees around it. Of course I did not take these pictures while driving but I did want some pictures of this oddity so I took these before a basketball game when we were over on the west side again.
I was kind of wondering how many people outside of Bend, Oregon have these sort of trees in their area…?
I’m sure that you may have guessed by now but I want to share anyway . Take a look at this next picture…
It is a cell phone tower!
After realizing what it was I recall a bunch of articles in The Bulletin some time back when cell phones were becoming the thing to have. There was something to the effect of Bend not approving another cell tower unless in blended in with the esthetics of the area. I lived in Prineville and didn’t really give it much thought and I am sure that I never read a follow up article showing the outcome.I think I would have remembered seeing this giant tree before .
I don’t get over that way much so I don’t think I will ever get used to seeing this tree. I did want to blog about it though while I was thinking of it once again.