Sunday, March 11, 2012

Rags by Sock Monkey: t-shirt shag rug tutorial

I have been Pinteresting and I found this awesome rug!  My sister Sheree & I have been struggling with the whole weaving on a hula hoop without really getting anything that looks good.  I think this may be the solution!

I have included the picture from the blog to show the end result.  Check out the link below to go directly to the page with instructions for the rug. 

The only thing that I will change is the way the “rags” are secured.  Instead of just pulling them through I think I will also add a knot or two.  This should secure the rags so I can wash the rug.


This should be easy peasy (in theory).  My main colors I have now are red, black, navy and white.  I think I can make this 2 t-shirt panels (from a 2XL shirt) and create a good size rug.

This looks like fun so I wanted to make sure I put it on my blog to share with my family and friends!

Rags by Sock Monkey: t-shirt shag rug tutorial