Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Can’t Decide if I Should Call Her Pooper Permanently or Not…

That title ought to get some attention…

I have a picture of a wonderful little poodle I have come to know and love.  His name is Copper, he is about a year old and belongs to the Shaver family.  He is a beautiful color and he has a great personality.  For anyone who doesn’t know, they don’t shed.


I had been teasing Warren that we should get another dog since all of ours are getting older.  I really was just teasing….mostly.

For those of you that know me you probably know that I am getting up there in age and I just celebrated a milestone birthday – I turned 40.  Not a huge deal to me even though it seemed to be a big deal to everyone who was asking me???  Not much bothers a person who sprouted her first grey hair when she was 16 and now has a head full of it – go figure…  Besides, I will always be 5 years younger than my hubby!  (love you sweetie!)

So, all of my teasing must have gotten to Warren because he asked me if I wanted a poodle puppy for my 40th birthday.  Of course I could not say, “No dear, that would be very irresponsible of me to bring a pooping, peeing, whining and barking ball of fur into our house.”  That would have just been silly!

Now, I am a 40 year old woman potty training a 4-1/2 month old fur ball who does not like to go outside…  I wonder if this qualifies for my mid-life crisis?

Here is Miss Peaches (AKA Pooper)






So this is the adorable little fluff ball for the first month we’ve had her.  She had a little grooming appointment last week and this is what she looks like now….


Still very cute but just not the same.  I like the wild bushy look but it is just too hard to keep the rats out of the fur.  Maybe we will just keep her face and feet shortened up next time…

Thank you Warren & Hunter for the perfect little present!

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