Monday, November 15, 2010

Baby Dog Fell Down and Went BOOM!

On August 5th we had a big wreck at the house.  Hunter had gone out to get something from the Suburban and I think Peaches thought we were leaving without her.  She went to jump in the front trying to get around Hunter and she ended up hitting the seat instead of the floorboard.  She flopped right out of there onto the cement and the next thing I know she is screaming bloody murder and Hunter is yelling for me.

She was holding her leg up and it was just floppin’ around at a weird angle.  I knew it was broken…  Off to the Prineville Vet Clinic we went and Rhett was able to see her right away.

Sure enough, she broke both the bones and they were a pretty clean break so they would not just seat together to easily.  We opted for the cast and left since he had to put her out to set it and we could come back later.  While she was out he gave her the rabies shot and put in a microchip for me.  We were able to get her before they closed for the evening and she was in a lot of pain.  She just kind of laid around for several days and then she began to move.  Poor baby…




She was due for a grooming just a few days after she broke her leg so she started getting really shaggy.  Here is a picture of her enjoying a nap in the infant sack she rides in.


And here she is just stylin’ with her matching cast cover and coat up camping during bow season.


And here she is sitting in the truck while we picked up hay on October 16th – just 10 days before she finally got her cast off.  Just a little scruffy!


10/26 finally came and she could barely see…


The cast came off and she was pretty sore.  The muscles were almost none existent and the doc said it would be awhile before she walked on it full time.  The next stop would be Doggy Stylin’ Grooming Salon two days later and Angie made here a poodle again!  Angie does wonderful work and we are very blessed to have her as our groomer!

Here is what Miss Peaches looks like today.  We made a little stop at Wal-Mart and got her some new sweaters and she is stylin’!




She seems to be doing better with each passing day.  Her leg looks a little crooked but Dr. Schultz says that the bone should totally fill in 7-9 months from now and it will be a lot better  I just hope we don’t have any more problems with her tiny little bones braking in the future.Coffee cup

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