I have been really enjoying my Facebook account over the past few months. It seems like once a week I see a new face pop up that is an old friend. A lot of us are turning 40 this year and it is fun to see what everyone is up to.
There were several lost children over the years that I have missed and some have been found. There is one in particular that I have really missed over the years and often wondered what became of her. I have searched for her off and on over the last year on Facebook to no avail. I just figured that she was under her married name without her maiden name listed.
I posted all of my old elementary school class pictures in hopes that someone would know where she was.
I got a huge surprise this week when she friended me!Her name is Michelle Louderback and we have been chatting back & forth through FB and email. It is so funny how memories of things that were very small come rushing back when you get to talking to someone. She mentioned my old playroom downstairs and the labs we used to have. Boy, those were the days! When Mom & Dad paid for everything and my biggest worry was whether I would be ungrounded by Friday night so I could go skating.I have also acquired a new friend and I wish this would have happened years ago. My ex-husband convinced me that she was my enemy many, many moons ago. I’ve thought about her many times over the years always wondering if she was ok since she hooked up with him and I knew what that was all about. I always wondered but I never wanted to breech her privacy or bring up bad memories. One day a few months ago I opened my FB account and there she was friending me.What a brave young woman she has turned out to be. I am really learning a lot from her and the biggest thing is that people are not always what you think they are. I am very happy to report that I can call Codie Kriege my friend. I finally feel like I can put that ugly part of my life to rest and I realize that I came out of all that as a better person.I have a wonderful family and some very special friends. I am truly blessed :-)
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