We enjoyed our trip to Eagle Point so much in April that we decided to go again in May. This time we went to hunt turkeys but we also got to visit a bit more which was very nice.
The boys went turkey hunting in the mornings and in the evenings. We got to tour town with Rusty chauffeuring and Norma acting as our tour guide. I wish I would have taken more pictures but we did not stop too often.
The town was full of flags for memorial day and I do mean FULL! You could not look anywhere without seeing a flag and it was beautiful to see such a little town so proud of our flag and Memorial Day. We drove up by the cemetery and Norma pointed out all of the important landmarks and family information along the way. The cemetery was built on a sight knoll and there was a flag on every single one of those gravesites - very breathtaking!
Rusty and Norma took us to one of their favorite Chinese restaurants and we had a very nice lunch. The hometown feel was sure there because they knew everyone in the place. After that we got to tour the museum, the grain mill and an antique store - we enjoyed every minute of the tour!
Saturday night we went out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant with Rusty and Cindy. Very good food and we visited until the poor guy wanted to close his business :-) Sunday night Cindy made a fabulous dinner for all of us and we just really enjoyed ourselves.
No one got a turkey that weekend but Hunter got a taste of living on a cattle ranch - we got to feed the cows both mornings! Of course that meant loading the bales of hay onto the truck, driving to the property where the cows were and feeding off the back of the truck. My job was to take pictures :-)
Here is Rusty way up in the barn throwing hay down to be loaded.
Hunter was the shuttle to the truck...
And that was just one bale...
And then the feeding begins...
As all good things must come to an end we had to head back home after the last feeding. We sure enjoyed our time spent with the Kuypers. I hope we get to go back again before winter sets in. Spending time with family and friends is always fun no matter what you are doing.
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