I got a little creative time in a few weeks ago when my in-laws, Al & Kim, sold their house and decided to travel. They are running all over the country in their fifth wheel and I know that Kim likes to keep her paperwork all straightened out. I found this little project with altered file folders and then I did a little altering of my own. There are files folders but I also made pockets by gluing in foam on the edges between the front and backs of the folders.
I will make more later since I really like how they turn out and they are pretty easy.
This is the folder I made for Kim & Al. They like a cowboy theme and I out a place for them to jot down phone numbers.
My brother-in-law Nick also happened to be in town and he said that he really like the one I made for Kim and Al when he saw it. I just happened to have one that I made for him :-) so I gave it to him. I made this one with natural colors and some moose.
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