Thursday, January 12, 2012

Have you seen the funny tree in Bend?


We were on our way to a football game at Cascade Middle School a few months ago and I come through the traffic circle at Century Drive and Mt. Washington Drive and there it was.  It (the tree)is just up off to the right as you squirt out onto Mt.Washington Drive. If you are turning left towards the middle school you may miss it.It is a curious thing since I have never seen a Ponderosa Pine with such straight branches.  It is also TALL like a GIANT tree; especially when you compare it to the pine trees around it. Of course I did not take these pictures while driving but I did want some pictures of this oddity so I took these before a basketball game when we were over on the west side again.

I was kind of wondering how many people outside of Bend, Oregon have these sort of trees in their area…?

I’m sure that you may have guessed by now but I want to share anyway Laughing out loud.  Take a look at this next picture…


It is a cell phone tower!

After realizing what it was I recall a bunch of articles in The Bulletin some time back when cell phones were becoming the thing to have.  There was something to the effect of Bend not approving another cell tower unless in blended in with the esthetics of the area.  I lived in Prineville and didn’t really give it much thought and I am sure that I never read a follow up article showing the outcome.I think I would have remembered seeing this giant tree before Smile

I don’t get over that way much so I don’t think I will ever get used to seeing this tree.  I did want to blog about it though while I was thinking of it once again.

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