Friday, November 13, 2009

A tail of barncats and how they came to be on our ranch

There was a time when we had this old snowmobile in our barn and a packrat took to making a home.  It would pack stuff in and then cover all the vent holes on the outside with rocks from the barn floor.  The dogs would sniff it but we didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the snowmobile in the dark back corner.  One day we noticed that Hunter's rubber grips on his 4-Wheeler handles were all gnawed off - what the heck?

 So, Warren drug the old thing out and opened it to see if the jack russels would get the rat.  The silly pack rat was able to squeeze down in a hole where they could not reach them so Warren had to get it with some .22 shot...

Here is his big trophy and this is why we now have barn cats!

This is Tripod or 3 legg-ed awaiting something to run out of the gutter downspout.  She is one of the first barn cats that I brought home in May 2007.  She is more of a charity case since she is missing a front leg and she now lives in the wellhouse.  Since she moved to the wellhouse and is keeping the mice down in there we had to get more cats.

One thing about ferrel cats - they are hard to spot because you rarely see them.  Here are a couple glimpses of the others I have managed to catch with the camera.
This is boots and he lives in the shed with Tripod - he came from someone in town that needed to relocate some ferrels to a farm.

And this is Tarbaby - she came from the Ochoco Humane Society with another black male.

They always have food and water even though some say that it does no good to feed a barn cat.  These cats eat well and still keep the rats and mice out of our shed and barn.  And, it's a good thing they don't like people or I would have them coming in the house and that would defeat the purpose!

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