Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back on the radar...

It is hard to believe that I have been off the blog radar for so many weeks.  It is like I bumped my head and woke up in a new month.

The main reason I fell off is because we gained 2 new kids on February 27th and we lost their mom, my favorite goat, Nelly on the 28th.  The good doctor Schultz tried to save her but it was just too late.  While we were trying to get Nelly stabilized we were also battling the problems of her 2 premature doelings named Martha and Millie.

Warren put Sugar and Tessy on the milking stand but neither wanted to have anything to do with the foreign babies getting milk from them.  Thankfully we had milk replacer in the pantry for a day just like this one.

Martha could suckle a little and she could stand up but not really walk.  Millie didn't know how to suck at all and her legs were jello.  All of the days of swearing that I would never have a hoofed animal in my house came to an end.  They couldn't move much so they resided in a box with our Jack Russell Brandy keeping an eye out and becoming their foster mommy.

Feedings every 2 hours and a lot of worrying about Millie staying with us for a couple of days - it was like watering a wilting plant - they got better.

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